Indicator Trading Flash MT4

Indicator Trading Flash Advance is an Triagular Moving Average Indicator with following setting Half Length 72, price 6, Deviation 2.0. This indicator is cross and delight one day at the stars one day in the stables. Use with up to 4 martingale steps. 10 wins daily goal.
Time Frame 1 min, 5 min, 15 min.
Indicator Trading Flash MT4
The best times to operate with the indicator are from 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM (1 min chart)
Colombia, but if you want to have good results the best hours are from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM Time from Colombia.
5 min Chart and 15 min 8:00 21:30 GMT Berlin.
The best currency pairs are the GBP, but you can work with everyone we recommend practicing
First in Demo and check which currency pairs best suits you.
Value per operation or any change you want you should do the following:
- Right click again in any part of the black space.
- List of indicators.
- There you can double click on any of them and make the relevant modifications. Download Indicator Trading Flash MT4.
Installing Indicator Trading Flash Advance To Your MT4 Charts
What follows below are the easy steps to install the Trend Navigatorto your MT4 platform. This should only take 5 minutes of your time.
Step 1. Download Indicator Trading Flash Advance and save it on your computer.
Step 2. Extract the Indicator Trading Flash Advance into a folder
Step 3. Go to the folder you have just extracted
Step 4. Copy TIndicator Trading Flash Advance , The indicator is usually located at C:\Program Files\Meta Trader 4\expert\indicators
The indicator is usually located at C:\Program Files\Meta Trader 4\templates You are done with the installation process.
Indicator Trading Flash Advanced setting (TMA band setting)

Indicator Trading Flash Advanced setting (TMA band setting)

Indicator Trading Flash Advanced setting (TMA band setting)

Indicator Trading Flash Advanced  (TMA band )

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